Marion's Landscape Painting Newsletter - Jan 2011

Hi and Welcome to my first monthly newsletter. I really hope that you find them to be informative, fun and challenging. Together let's take further steps in exploring landscape painting.

January is always a time that I find it's very good to take stock of where you are as an artist. It gives you the opportunity to decide on what you would like to achieve in your art journey over the next 12 months.

Have you ever considered entering an open exhibition? These are held at local and national levels. It is easy to find out about them on the Internet and obviously the ones closest to you geographiclly make it simpler for submitting work.

Some I would recommend are:

Patchings Art Competition --

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition --

ING Diserning Eye --

These are all larger national level exhibitions. If it is the first time, for you, to enter an open exhibition you may feel more comfortable finding out what's happening locally.

Painting Holidays

Another area I would suggest you consider is the fantastic opportunities a painting holidays provides. The concept of them being holidays makes me laugh as I always work very hard and for long hours when I have attended one.

Painting holidays are available in many locations and lead by a whole variety of artists. The chance to paint in different environments, good tuition and being with like minded people are what they all have in common. The choice of which one to choose is a very personal decision. I encourage you to spend some time looking on the web.

Above all do act and do not keep putting it off.

January a time of ..... Big Grey Skies

Often January for landscape painters can seem rather flat and lifeless. The trees are bare and skies can be dull and oppressive.

You need to keep training your eye - reconsider views around you. Try and look at them afresh. At dusk there may well be lots of soft shades and pin points of bright lights. Morning mists across the frosty valleys can be an exciting and challenging subject

ITS COMPETITION TIME! If you would like to send me a copy of a painting depecting a January landscape, I will choose the most interesting one and feature it in February's newsletter. The artist who has painted the picture will receive one of my 2011 calendars as a small prize.

To enter simply write to me at

January's Product

The product I would like to recommend to you this month is a palette of inks. ( sometimes called waterbased dyes )

This is a great product as the quality of colour is fantastic. The colour is very pure and intense. I love them because they are so portable , really ideal for painting on location or taking with you to your local art group.

If you are interested in purchasing them please contact: Art Van Go 01438 814946

Well it's almost time to sign off. I encourage you to pass on my website details to your arty friends and contacts. Also, please do get them to sign up for my newsletter.

HOT OFF THE PRESS On my gallery page you can find a link to Red Bubble and here you can purchase prints or cards showing a selection of my paintings... In case you're interested.

Thank you for signing up for my newsletter. I will be in touch in February.

So remember - keep painting and plan your art journey for 2011.