Marion's Landscape Painting Newsletter - October 2011
WELCOME to my October newsletter, Dear Newsletter Readers,
So it would seem that Autumn is finally here and that obviously Christmas is just around the corner. To you faithful newsletter readers I would like to share a special offer. Above is a photograph of my 2012 desktop calendar. If you are interested in purchasing one at the special price of £5.00 including postage and packing (UK postage) please send me an e-mail – mariondeacon@btinternet.com. These really are lovely calendars with 12 images of my most recent paintings.
Although unfortunately I haven’t yet managed to create new web pages on my website about painting outdoors it is a way of painting that I really love. Last Monday we had one of those Indian summer days and I had managed to go to an art class. We had been encouraged and inspired to consider the colour green in all its beautiful shades and tones. I decided to take the opportunity to paint outdoors instead of returning home. So I found the Road to Box Hill. This is a beautiful National Trust area and I simply parked the car and found a grassy spot to work on. I decided to focus on a simple patch of trees and continue developing my skills of mixing green. These are some TOP TIPS for working outdoors:
1. Focus on a small area to capture onto your paper. A large view can be too daunting and too complicated.
2. Do not try to use all your art materials. I worked on A3 size paper approximately and used acrylic paints and a few oil pastels.
3. Be organized. I often put down an old tea towel to have my brushes, pot of water, paints etc. on; this means my equipment is it is less likely to get lost in the grass.
4. Be comfortable. Some people prefer to sit to paint outdoors others stand at an easel. My preference is to sit on the ground and then I have all my materials easily at hand.
5. Quickly put down a base colour / a wash to get rid of the intimidating white paper.
6. Do not be surprised if people come and look at your work. Take it as a compliment.
October's Product
A new brush I have been working with is a 2" flat. This is fantastic for laying washes, or blocking in broad areas of colour.
A Few Other Things
I would just like to tell you about two workshops that I am holding in October and December. If you happen to live near Surrey these may be of real interest to you.
During the day we will look at a variety of techniques, explore a range of materials and create mixed media art work. Teaching will be via short demonstrations and one to one guidance.
Cost £30 and this includes ‘tea break’ refreshments and use of a selection of mixed media materials
Wed 26th October 2011 Sat 10th December 2011
10.30 am - 3.30 pm
Walton Methodist Church Hall, Terrace Road, Walton-on-Thames
KT12 2SR
All the best
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